With the help of georadar method it is performed geological survey work in search of mineral resources, ore and
non-ore deposits. It allows precise contours indicate productive layers, and quantify the mineral reserves.
VIADIMOS Company plc carry out Geological Survey, such as the systematic exploration geology below a given piece of a land for the purpose of creating geological maps and/or models.
Geological Survey of VIADIMOS Inc. uses latest technology of LOZA GPR. Geological Survey maps usually sum the observed range and boundaries of geological units on the topographic map, along with the information in paragraphs (e.g. measuring orientation cleavage) and lines (e.g. junction defects earth’s surface).
Images may contain sections to illustrate the three-dimensional interpretation. Subsurface geological and geophysical maps that provide limited coverage deeper geology (known eg from drilling for oil or natural gas) are maintained internally by large oil companies and regulators. Some organizations cooperate with us in the performance of geological surveys for inclusion in the systematic underground geology findings, such Geological atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Subsurface maps usually show the three-dimensional shape geological surfaces using contour lines and cross-sections.
Computer models are increasingly used to provide more comprehensive information storage and greater flexibility for your presentation.