LOZA Georadar

It belongs to a group of devices for non-destructive Geophysical Survey of soil structure at depths of 1-400 m. Unlike competing products, LOZA achieves much higher performance, which allows to work in any wet environment – even in the water.

LOZA Georadar helps to its user reliably resolve any issues regarding the research base.

We provide engineering – geological and hydrogeological survey subsoil.
No need of any additional probing field – no drilling.
Finds and determines environmental burdens.

Need to address the issue of hazardous / contaminated soil? Or other environmental damage?
Need zmonitorovat terrain before building design?
Standing in front of a complex archaeological research?
Looking technogenic objects at great depths – pipes, cables or collectors?
Or, do you need to monitor the foundations of old buildings, wells, or other underground catacombs cavity and objects?